SD-based, display-free MP3 player

We realize there's a market (albeit a small one) for SD-based MP3 players, though we have to say we're not exactly surprised that most of the companies making them have names like Lexar and SanDisk. Or Delkin, now that the company -- better known for its e-Film media -- has launched its first MP3 player, the Revel. Unfortunately, Delkin seems to have missed the lesson that SanDisk has learned, namely that to succeed in this niche, you've gotta make it either cheaper or better, and the Revel -- a display-free player that goes for $109 with a 1GB SD card -- is neither (though if you've got a pile of SD cards lying around and want to find something to do with them, you can always pick up the 256MB Revel for about $50).
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